In message <>, Patrick Horgan <> writes
On this page it mentions that help is wanted because an example is too wide for narrow media. What's the criteria? It fits in 800x600 just fine and these day web-developers say that 1024x768 is the new 800x600. Much of the site certainly doesn't work for hand held devices.

DON'T assume web browsers are full screen! I curse blue murder when someone else borrows my pc, immediately "full screen"s all my windows (amongst other nasty little changes ...), and then leaves me to sort out the resulting mess. :-(

My screen is that 1024x768, then I lose stuff for menu bars, then I size my screens to use maybe 2/3rds of the available screen estate. If the page is optimised for 1024... I'm stuffed!

Anthony W. Youngman -

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