Stefan Thomas wrote Monday, June 15, 2009 4:11 PM
Dear community,
I have a problem with different Beam-Gruops in different 5/8-bars.
The first
bar looks lke expected, the 2nd doesn't. How can I change the 2nd
Bar to
proper beam-groups of 3+2 8th-notes?
Here the example:
\version "2.13.0"
\layout { \context { \Staff \consists
"Measure_grouping_engraver" } }
fuenfachteldreizwo = {
#(set-time-signature 5 8 '(3 2))
#(override-auto-beam-setting '(end * * 5 8) 3 8 'Score)
#(override-auto-beam-setting '(end * * 5 8) 5 8 'Score) }
fuenfachtelzwodrei = {
#(set-time-signature 5 8 '(2 3))
#(override-auto-beam-setting '(end * * 5 8) 2 8 'Score)
#(override-auto-beam-setting '(end * * 5 8) 5 8 'Score) }
music = \relative c'' { c8 d e f g }
\new Staff {
\music }
I've not tried this, but you will need to revert
your previous auto beam settings in each of your
two functions otherwise they will still take effect.
Use #(revert-auto-beam-setting ...) to do this.
You may find it easier to use beatGrouping rather
than the auto beam setting rules.
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