Le 10 juin 09 à 02:11, kzt a écrit :
You can find an example of a chord notated as 'phrygian' (well
it's more a
modal indication, but that's what the composer Gary Peacock
intended) in the
lead sheet for Vignette.
More arguments for using names: Alt is much more easy to write
and read, less
error prone than: 7.3-.5-.9-.11-.13-
So if Alt is always (or primarily) 7.3-.5-.9-.11-.13- we should
add an alt
modifier to LilyPond. Then, we could say c:alt, and get just what
composer intends. And then we should have the ChordNames context
Note that it's notated C7 Alt (or alt)
At least in the Real Books, the chord usually just says "C alt" on
the chart. The structure of the alt chord is pretty variable and
up for interpretation on the fly. Many times it's just played as a
dominant 7b5b9.
I agree with Tim. It's up for players.
Assigning "7.3-.5-.9-.11-.13- " statically to the altered chord
does not make sense to me.
It depends how you define the altered chord. For me it's the chord
derived from the altered scale (7th mode of melodic minor). The alt
chord is a logical choice for subV7, subV7/V, subV7/IV.
Of course a player will rarely play all the notes of the mode. Common
voicings includes the ones with b5b9, b13b9, b13#9
BTW, is "3-" right? I guess "3-" is meant for "#9" but looks
major 3rd is missing.
Right this is a trick because Lilypond won't accept #9 and b9 and the
same time. Next trick is to use a b11 'as' a M3. I did that because of
the limitations of Lilypond. Now we're discussing about how to do that
Why don't we just make "alt" available only for scoring? bad idea?
To me, score is important. midi is not.
Right, Lilypond is really about engraving. Midi is a (probably useful)
extra function but it should not be the aim.
If I notate an Alt chord, I intend players to improvise over the
altered scale, I intend compers to underlay this sound as well but not
to play a cluster with all the scale chords :). If I render a midi
file, I would choose one possible voicing for the Alt chord.
So currently in Lilypond we can't do that: at the same time have a
correct score and a correct midi track for the chords. This is not an
issue for me because I'm not using the midi side.
I guess the closest thing to jazz with lilypond for now is to have a
separate track for the score and for the generated midi track (an
arrangement for the chords).
- kzt
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