On Mon, Jun 08, 2009 at 10:30:54AM +0200, Selyem Zoltan wrote:
> On Fri, 5 Jun 2009, Gilles THIBAULT wrote:
>>> I want the hairpin to end on the first note of a new line.
>>> \relative g'{
>>>  \override Score.Hairpin #'after-line-breaking = ##t
>>>  g2\< a4 a4 | \break
>>>  b2.\! r4}
>>> But it doesn't work. What am I doing wrong?
>> If i have well understood, 'after-line-breaking is a callback function 
>> to allow user to tweak some parameters if a line break does occur, not 
>> to decide if you want or not to split a grob after a line break.
>> (see  
>> http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.12/Documentation/user/lilypond/Difficult-tweaks#Difficult-tweaks
>> )
>> So the only (ugly) solution i know is :
>> %%%%%%%%%%%%
>>   \relative g'{
>>         g2\< a4 a4 | \break
>>         s16 b2.*11/12\! r4
>>         c1
>>   }
>> %%%%%%%%%%%%
>> but it is not very usefull in the "Real Life" because you generally 
>> don't know where a line break occurs.
>> Gilles
> Thank you very much for this brilliant solution. It is perfect for me,
> because I usually have small choral works that fit on 1 or 2 pages.
> But I hope that I'm not the only one who wishes that creating
> "split hairpins" automatically in these cases would be possible again.
> (It's ok if the syntax changes, of course.)

I don't know if this works in 2.12.2, since some changes were made to
'after-line-breaking behavior since then.  With 2.13.1, this is
another solution:

\relative g' {
  \override Hairpin #'after-line-breaking = ##f
  \override Hairpin #'to-barline = ##f
  g2\< a4 a4 | \break
  b2.\! r4


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