With multiple voices, if I have a grace note in one voice immediately after
a key change, the output gets garbled unless I put dummy grace notes in the
other voices. Is this expected? With the following example, I get the
attached output, with the key signature doubled, the coda not over the
preceding barline, and the grace note positioned between the two key
signatures. If I add \grace s8 at the corresponding point in voiceOne, the
problem goes away. If I don't have the key change and coda at that point,
then no dummy grace note in the other voice is needed.

 \version "2.12.2"

 \new Staff <<
 \new Voice = "first"
        \relative c' {
                \key e \minor
                r8 b'4 b b b8 |
                \mark \markup { \musicglyph #"scripts.coda" }
                \key e \major
                r8 <b gis>4 <b gis> <b gis> <b gis>8 |

 \new Voice = "second"
        \relative c' {
                \key e \minor
                e,1 |
                \key e \major
                \acciaccatura e8 <e e'>2. dis'4 |

Nick Payne

<<attachment: test.png>>

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