On 5/30/09 10:55 PM, "Brett Duncan" <bdd1...@bigpond.net.au> wrote:
> Carl D. Sorensen wrote:
>>> I assume that there would still have to be some means of creating
>>> exceptions. If someone wants chords named mainly in the Real Book style,
>>> but with minors notated slightly differently ( Cm / Cmi / C- ) for
>>> example, would they find themselves having to put together a large list
>>> of exceptions to get their preferred style? Or would there be some other
>>> way of 'tweaking' just that aspect of how chord names are displayed?
>> I haven't done it yet, so I don't know.
>> But I imagine we can have a property minorSymbol which could have values
>> like \markup {"m"}, \markup {"mi"}, \markup {"-"}, or 'lowerCaseRootName
>> Then a user could specify the markup to be used to indicate a minor, etc.
> Sounds good.
>> Right now we have a naming problem, separate from the display problem. If
>> we can get the code to recognize that we have a Ebmaj7b5, then we can figure
>> out how to display it in a way that the users will like. Right now, we
>> haven't had much luck with anything but exceptions in terms of getting chord
>> names.
> Given that I have only ever used \chordmode with ChordNames, I hadn't
> noticed the problem, but having done a little test, I can see what you
> mean. The chord <d f aes c> produces a chord name of Cb6/sus4/sus2!?
> Bizarre!
> Which scheme file processes the chord to produce the name?
scm/chord-names.scm, IIRC.
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