Hi all (esp. Valentin):
Last month, there was a quick exchange about hiding accidental(s) on
tied note(s) after a line break:
I am running into the same issue right now, and I see why others have
been frustrated by it... =\
1. Does anybody have an automatic way to get this to work as
expected*? Maybe a callback function a la the broken slur example?
2. Valentin: is there already an issue on the tracker to have
this handled better? If not, can you please add it?
* I've searched through every score I own, and cannot find *any* that
duplicate Lilypond's behaviour -- even my dodecaphonic scores [!!]
omit the accidental(s) on line-broken tied notes. If you think about
it, it makes sense: you don't want to make the player wonder whether
the note has changed over the line break (i.e., that the tie is
really a slur between notes of different pitches/alterations).
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