Tim McNamara wrote:
On May 30, 2009, at 9:50 AM, Carl D. Sorensen wrote:
On 5/30/09 3:21 AM, "Brett Duncan" <bdd1...@bigpond.net.au> wrote:
Grammostola Rosea wrote:
Do we have an Jazz/pop chord expert on the list (I'm sure he/she
And who wants to help with this?
I don't consider myself an "expert", but after 20 years of playing with
various pop, rock and jazz groups, I've got a pretty good idea of
out there as far as chord notation goes, and I'm willing to be part of
the discussion. I'm also willing to help on the programming side _if_ I
can get my head around Scheme.
On 5/30/09 3:32 AM, "Tao Cumplido" <tao_lilypondu...@gmx.net> wrote:
-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Do we have an Jazz/pop chord expert on the list (I'm sure he/she
And who wants to help with this?
I wouldn't call myself an expert but I do know some display methods for
chords. I don't know if pop chords differ much from jazz though but
if it's
for sharing knowledge on jazz chords count me in.
I could make a table with a rough overview of the variations for
chord names I
am aware of and maybe some information on different typographical
approaches I
know of.
My currently-planned starting point for chord naming is
If you have any disagreement with this reference, please let me know.
The problem with this sort of thing is that there is really no
standardized nomenclature and there is a lot of personal preference.
For example, some people like Fmaj7 and others like F-delta (F with a
triangle), or Dm7b5 versus DØ, etc. Satisfying all personal
preferences might be impossible. However, that reference table looks
reasonable to my eyes. My preferences were pretty strongly formed by
the old Real Book 5th Edition.
There are some chord name exception files that have been written by
other LilyPond users. Two of them were generously sent to me by James
Hammons and B Duncan. These could be good references to look at,
since the chord names look pretty good to me, and might be more easily
incorporated without a lot of extra work. Let me know if you want me
to post them.
Isn't it possible to give more options and be able to choose an way of
For example
Just examples to show what I mean...
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