In message
<>, Francisco
Vila <> writes
2009/5/28 Thomas <>:
Another not so smart question: how can I reply to a posting on this list?? my
outlook-express-newsreader doesn't recognize the list, and the web-interface
only allows to answer directly to an email ... not to the list (??)
Don't you have a reply-to-all function?
You can always cc to
Why is he reading a *mailing* list using a *newsreader*? That said, I do
the same, but my client has an explicit "this is a mailing list, treat
it as a newsgroup" setting, so it knows how to reply.
If he's getting it from a mail2news gateway, then he should subscribe to
the list itself, and use OE's filter rules. Not using OE myself (I avoid
lookout entirely if I can), I don't know for sure how to configure it.
Anthony W. Youngman -
lilypond-user mailing list