Great, Daniel!  Glad to hear of your breakthrough.  Most of us have had
similar moments I'm sure.


On Wed, May 27, 2009 at 2:36 AM, Daniel Hulme <> wrote:

> Last night I was copying out a part I have to play which is squashed
> onto a page too small to be clear. This part needed two functions I've
> previously put off writing because I thought they would be really hard.
> I tried them last night, sitting down with the NR, and I managed to
> churn out two of them.
> This experience has given me a lot more confidence with Lilypond: it
> feels like I've "gone up a level," to borrow the language of RPGs. So
> all I was writing for was to say thank you to all the Lilypond people -
> programmers, documentation authors, mailing-list-question-answerers, bug
> list triagers, and even constructive-whingers. I can appreciate much
> more now how awesome this piece of software. I didn't previously
> understand how true it was when people said you can make Lilypond do
> anything - but it's even bigger than that: you can make any Lilypond
> construct look like anything you like.
> Now to anticipate questions people are likely to ask in reply. I don't
> think there was any one part of the documentation that made me feel more
> confident about it: it was more a coming-together of the things I'd
> already learned. 'NR 6.3 Building complicated functions' was something I
> referred to a lot, and the command index. One slightly hard thing was
> that to find the page on options I can give to spanners I had to follow
> the chain 1.8 Text -> 1.8.1 Writing text -> Text spanners -> 5.4.7 Line
> styles -> 5.4.5 Spanners. The 'Text spanners' section just links to
> TextSpanner in the IR, which was much less useful to me; it would be
> great if it linked to 5.4.5 directly, and I will write a patch to that
> effect unless someone beats me to it.
> The other answer is: yes, I will send in my useful functions. One is for
> adding flams to drum notes, and the other is for using a spanner to give
> a "Fill" indication. I also have a trivial function for printing the Git
> commit hash of the .ly file (I keep all my parts under version control)
> that I've been meaning to contribute for a while. I'll send you all of
> them some time when I'm not on my way out to work.
> --
> There is no such thing as a small specification change.
>                     There is no need to shout.
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