Hello all,

I have a 7:8 tuplet rhythm which repeats quite regularly in a piece,

  \times 8/7 { gs8\pp gs16 gs8 gs }

... but displays with one problem: the secondary beam for the 16th note
points to the right, not to the left; the 16th note grouping should be

I can get what I want by using,

\times 8/7 { gs8\pp \set \stemLeftBeamCount = #2 \set
\stemRightBeamCount = #1 gs16 gs8 gs }

... but that works only the once and is a pain to have to repeat many
times.  Is there any way to automate the process?  I already tried
messing around with override-auto-beam-setting but had no success, I
presume because that relates to beaming settings for a given time
signature (and the time signature of this piece is 4/4, not 7/16).

Can anyone advise?

Thanks & best wishes,

    -- Joe

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