On 5/21/09 12:41 AM, "Stjepan Brbot" <stjepan.br...@zg.t-com.hr> wrote:
> Tim McNamara wrote:
>> You need to define exceptions to the way that LilyPond writes
>> chords. One way is to use one of the alternative chord rendering
>> methods that you can find in the snippet repository. You can put
>> this into a .ly file and use the \include command to call it when the
>> music file is rendered into a PDF.
> Thanks Tim. It seems that this is exactly what I need but... it does not
> work for me!? I don't know why.
Have you shared your whole file? This message looks like there was
something before the code you've included that is causing this error.
And the error occurs on line 18 of the input file, but it's line 3 of the
included material.
If you'll share the whole file, I'm sure we can help you.
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