2009/5/21 Werner <mey....@web.de>:
> Also
> h'2 a4 g | c2 d4 e | << { \stemUp f2 g4 f } { \stemDown e4 d e f } >> |
> \stemNeutral e2 r |
> cis2 h4 cis | d c b a | f e f g | gis2 g4 f |
> is not an answer (and the stems aren't up and down as they should be! Also I
> even don't know how to make the four notes smaller).

This seems to work as true one-staff polyphony with automatic stem
orientation. fontSize applies per voice so once the voice ends, so
does its effect (at least that is how it behaves here):

<< { f2 g4 f } \\ { \set fontSize = #-1 e4 d e f } >>

Francisco Vila. Badajoz (Spain)

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