Reinhold Kainhofer 写道:
Am Mittwoch, 20. Mai 2009 21:42:53 schrieb fiëé visuëlle:
Am 2009-05-20 um 19:13 schrieb Reinhold Kainhofer:
Actually, both don't really help, since the automatic table of
contents is one
large markup list and you don't know beforehand where it should flow
to the
second column (so you can't automatically split it in half, either).
What is
actually needed is a proper two-column text layout for lilypond with
text flow to the second column. Unfortunately, this is not
And if you implement all this into LilyPond, you re-created TeX...
I'd suggest using LaTeX with lilypond-book or ConTeXt with its LilyPond
module for stuff like that - at least that's what I do for my songbooks.
BTW, all these functions are already in the development version of my
OrchestralLily package (also the latex style file) at, but everything is still undocumented.
Thanks for all your kind answers. I just take the answer as 'no' for simplicity
wait for ConTeXt coming into mature :)
To Reinhold: Since I'm not familiar with either music or lilypond, I don't
your package. I have a try. It looks great. Are you making a general songbook
Best wishes,
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