2009/5/12 Mats Bengtsson <mats.bengts...@ee.kth.se>:
> James E. Bailey wrote:
>> I would just not use partial. You know that you can put in a bar line even
>> if the measure isn't complete.
>> James E. Bailey
> Yes, in situations like the following one:
> \relative c'{
>  \partial 4 c4 | c d e f | g2. \bar "||" \break
>  e4 | g f e d | c2. \bar "|."
> }
> but not in situations like
> \relative c' {
>  c4 d e f  | g1 \bar "||" \break
>  \set Score.measurePosition = #(ly:make-moment 3 4)
>  e | g f e d | c2. \bar "|."
> }
> where the upbeat does not match the preceding measure. I suspect that Tim's
> question was about the latter case.
> (Of course you can question the mathematical abilities of the composer in
> this case, but I've seen several printed scores that use this kind of
> construct.)

My case is like:

chorus = \relative c' {
  c4 d e f |
  g a b

verse = \relative c'' {
  \partial 4 c4 |
  d e d c |

\new Staff {
  \new Voice = "mel" { \chorus }  \new Voice = "vs" {\verse}

So actually
\bar "|"
does just what I needed all along!


Now on to my next exercise -- working out how to print capo chords in
parentheses after the regular chord, so I get:
  (capo 3)   C (A)   G7 (E7)
The nearest I can find is at
http://www.mail-archive.com/lilypond-user@gnu.org/msg24850.html, but
that does them on different rows and without parentheses.

Tim Rowe

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