Marc Mouries schrieb:
Thanks a lot guys this is helpful. I am trying to make the lily code easier to read.

I also have many command to write the position like "^\markup { \small "IV" }" and "^\markup { \small "IIII" }" and so on, would you know how to create a command that takes an argument?
I searched for "markup" in the LSR and found the following snippet:

So you can define a command like \smark as follows:

smark =#(define-music-function (parser location string) (string?)
              'direction UP
              'text (markup #:small string)))

and put it _before_ the note where it should appear:

c4 \smark "III" d \smark "IV" e f

Here, the "III" appears over the d, while "IV" is placed over the e.


On Apr 27, 2009, at 6:09 AM, Francisco Vila wrote:

2009/4/27 Dmytro O. Redchuk <>:
2009/4/27 Francisco Vila <>:
2009/4/27 Dmytro O. Redchuk <>:
% or even, i guess, this should work:
<note> _\markup { \italic "poco" \rit }

Yes, it does, but how would you do it for \upbow and \downbow?

Don't know.

I have investigated a bit how downbow is defined and I've found it in
the source code in ly/ so we can write

db = #(make-articulation "downbow")
ub = #(make-articulation "upbow")

{ c' \db c' \ub }

Francisco Vila. Badajoz (Spain)

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