This looks really bad:

harpchords = \relative c' { \time 15/8
  s2^"C" s2^"G/B" s2^"Am" s4. | s2^"Cmaj7/B" s2^"Em/G" s2^"F" s4. |
  s2^G s2^"F/A" s2^"G/B" s4. | s2^"Dm/A" s2^"Dm/F" s2 s4. |
  \repeat volta 2 {
s2^C s2^"G/B" s2^"Am" s4.^"Am/G#" | s2^"Cmaj7/G" s2^"Em" s2^F s4.^"Bb/F" |
    s2^G s2^"F/A" s2^"G/B" s4.^"Fdim/G#" | s2^"Am" s2^F s2 s4. |
  } s2^"C"

\score {
\new Staff { \set Staff.instrumentName = "Harp"  \harpchords }

Should it look better, or am I using the wrong mechanism?


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