On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 07:49:44PM -0700, IoD wrote:
> When I insert the \midi { } in the \score section of my Lilypond projects,
> the only output produced are a .ps file and a .pdf file, no MIDI output.  Is
> there a known error/bug that could cause this? A common mistake that I could
> be making? Any help you can offer?

You forgot to attach your .ly file. If you post that, or even just your
\score block, then probably someone will be able to help.

Pray remember that Bacchus was a warrior, and that his armies had little
fighting to do, because  wherever he appeared  he taught the cultivation
of the vine  to the grateful and  submissive natives.    --  J.B. Morton
http://surreal.istic.org/    One sells watches, the other watches cells.

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