On Sat, Apr 25, 2009 at 11:22:56AM -0600, Carl D. Sorensen wrote:
> On 4/25/09 9:37 AM, "Neil Puttock" <n.putt...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > 2009/4/23 Jonathan Kulp <jonlancek...@gmail.com>:
> >> Graham Percival wrote:
> >> 
> >>> 1.  Log in to LSR as an editor.  (I remember the discussion now;
> >>> this isn't your fault)
> >>> 
> >>> 2.  Find the "tags" section for each snippet.
> >>> 
> >>> 3.  Click on the drop-down menus, and select the relevant tags.
> >>> 
> >>> 4.  There is no #4.
> >> 
> >> Is "save" #4?
> >> 
> >> Thanks for the rundown, Graham.  As you've said, this is very easy and I
> >> figured it out myself as reported in previous email...
> > 
> > 4. Note that one of the snippets isn't tagged as `docs', which means
> > it's in input/new.
> > 
> > 5. Find the snippet in input/new, and add the tag there instead.
> > 
> > 6. Scratch #5, since the snippet shouldn't be in input/new in the first 
> > place.

Those steps 4-6 are when you're looking at git.  My steps 1-4
(including the "save snippet") are strictly for LSR stuff, which
is all that I'm claiming is trivial.  I would *never* claim that
git is trivial.

If a snippet isn't in LSR, then the LSR editor -- at least, the
type of "LSR editor" that I keep on wanting a newbie to be --
doesn't worry about it.  People with git access mess around in
git; non-developers mess around in LSR.  The whole point of LSR
was to allow for this division of labour; if developers are using
the web interface of LSR, then it means the whole thing was a

[1] Again, quite literally.  We could have -- and I'm still not
convinced that we *shouldn't have* -- junked the idea of LSR, and
gone with small files in git.  Much simpler for everybody
involved.  But no, I let myself get talked into the web 2.0 / wiki
garbage, and went along with LSR as a compromise.  Hundreds of
hours of development time later (LSR infrastructure, importing
snippet infrastructor, build system stuff, etc etc), we *still*
don't have non-developers handling LSR.  I will admit that we've
started to see submissions from users, which is definitely nice...
but I don't think we've passed the break-even point yet.

- Graham

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