Mischa Falkenburg wrote:
Mark, thanks for your help (ie. Reply to ALL)

My question would be:
WHERE do I plug in the

\paper {
 ragged-last-bottom = ##t

I normally put the \paper block right after the \header block in my scores. In the example you give below, just put it after your \version statement and it'll do what you want.



Here is a copy of my score...

\version "2.10.33"

timeAndKey = { \time 4/4 \key g \major}

voiceA = \relative c'' { \timeAndKey

\repeat unfold 210 {g'4 fis d8 e b c d4 fis4 d4 b4 a8 b \times 2/3 {c d c}d8 g fis d c4 a2 g4}


voiceB = \relative c { \timeAndKey

\repeat unfold 420 { d'8 e fis4 g8 a c4 e4 c8 b a4 g8 fis }


voiceC = \relative c'' { \timeAndKey

\repeat unfold 280 { b4 a b e g a fis e~ e c c8 d r4 }


voiceD = \relative c'' { \timeAndKey

\repeat unfold 120 { r1 r1 g'4 fis d8 e b c e4 c8 b a4 g8 fis a8 b \times 2/3 {c d c} d8 g fis d e4 c8 b a4 g8 fis r1 }


voiceE = \relative c'' { \timeAndKey

\repeat unfold 168 { c2 b8 d c b a4 b g2~ g b8 d c b c4 fis \times 2/3 {e8 d e} d4~ d a2 r4 }


voiceF = \relative c'' { \timeAndKey

\repeat unfold 105 { g'2 (e) (c) r2 e2 (c) (a) r2 fis'2 (d) (b) r2 d2 (b) (g1) }


\score {

\new GrandStaff {<<

\new Staff \voiceA

\new Staff \voiceB

\new Staff \voiceC

\new Staff \voiceD

\new Staff \voiceE

\new Staff \voiceF



\layout { }

\midi { }


Your HELP will always be appreciated...


Jonathan Kulp

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