Mike Blackstock-3 wrote:
>  I'm  on a kind
> of sabbatical working on a WYSIWYG Web interface for Lilypond, with a lot
> of
> AJAX and JSON as the mechanism for storage of the gui parts. I make my
> living (or used to up till recently) as a sysadmin and have had to deploy
> every new technology that's come along; usually learning just enough to
> get
> it up-and-running for the client and staying one or two steps ahead -
> then,
> on to something else. I wanted to take the time and look into this stuff
> in
> detail, which is what I've been doing and the possibilities are really
> exciting I think.

Looks like very interesting. It's quite a bit of time I think web-based
editors are the (only) future, but it seems that still in 2009 not many
people catched this. The greatest problem with web word processors is not
the features (these can be implemented easily), is the feedback delay on
many web operations. For a Lilypond user, this problem may not be
annoying... so it seems to me a good idea.
But I'm philosophying. Can you keep us updated please?

Piero Faustini, PhD student
Dipartimento di Scienze Storiche
Sezione musicologia
Università di Ferrara 

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- Lilypond 2.12 for example excerpts
- BibLaTeX for bibliographies 

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