
On 19 Apr 2009, at 21:46, Marc Hohl wrote:
The other clefs simply use other values for raise, fontsize and baseline-skip, so my idea is to use conditionals to get these values on the right place, depending on the number of strings, which in turn can be evaluated using the list of pitches in TabStaff.stringTunings. I would be glad if someone points me in the right direction, and as I want to learn scheme, any links to
good tutorials, books etc. are appreciated.

scheme uses a funky (if condition consequent alternative) syntax. or you could use the

(cond   (condition1 consequent)
                (condition2 consequent)
                (else alternative))


have a look at this page, to see if it helps (it's what i've been using for my few forays into scheme):

Simon Bailey
Oompa Loompa of Science
+43 699 190 631 25

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