>>>>> "Hajo" == Hajo Dezelski <dl1...@googlemail.com> writes:

    Hajo> So my questions:

    Hajo>  - Why do Lilyond Engravers have inhibitions to store their
    Hajo>  score in Mutopia?

I average at least one piece a week, and I sometimes get behind just the
overhead to put my work up on my own site, let alone submit it to
somewhere else.

If I were to submit to an external site, the Werner Icking archive seems
like a better choice than mutopia, because people who want music by a
given composer or in a given style are used to looking there.

    Hajo>  - Are there any hidden fences which I am not able to see?

I don't know what fences you see.  Just having to organize it for
submission is one fence.  Having to do it again if you make a correction
or improvement is another one.

    Hajo>  - Are the copyright-restrictions the reason for keeping
    Hajo>  scores hidden?

Not for me; I mostly transcribe music from the 16th and early 17th
centuries, so copyright isn't an issue.

    Hajo>  - Is Mutopia not worth contributing?

For my purposes, probably not.   If I figure out some particularly
clever use of lilypond, I would believe I should contribute it to the
LSR, but for a particular piece of music, I think it makes more sense to
either have it on my own website or to contribute it to a more central
place where people are looking for music.

In other words, I don't expect people to look for a madrigal typeset in
lilypond; I expect them to look for a three-part madrigal, or a madrigal
by Thomas Weelkes, and mutopia doesn't particularly have a reputation in
the madrigal-performing community as a place to go (unlike Werner
Icking or CPDL).

Laura   (mailto:lcon...@laymusic.org http://www.laymusic.org/ )
(617) 661-8097  233 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02139   

I have finally taught Dean that he can do anything he wants, become
mayor of Denver, marry a millionairess, or become the greatest poet
since Rimbaud. But he keeps rushing out to see the midget auto
races. I go with him.

Jack Kerouac, _On the Road_

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