>>>>> "Kees" == Kees van den Doel <kvand...@shaw.ca> writes:

    Kees> I would also prefer \unfoldRepeats to be the default. I
    Kees> frequently use the midi as practice material for the
    Kees> musicians.  It's also good to have the repeats in the midi
    Kees> for listening checks to make sure you have all the repeats
    Kees> correct, or that they sound as you had imagined.

I don't have a problem with the default changing, as long as there's
an easy way to get back the current behavior, preferably from the
command line so that hundreds of files don't have to be edited.

But for me, the currrent behavior (for \repeat volta) is the correct
one.  If I'm typesetting music, it saves a *lot* of proofreading time if
what the MIDI plays is what's on the paper, and not what the performer
is going to play.

When I was using ABC for note entry, this is the major feature that
convinced me to do the proofreading on the lily output and not on the
abcMIDI/abctab2ps output, which does the equivalent of \repeat unfold.

Laura   (mailto:lcon...@laymusic.org http://www.laymusic.org/ )
(617) 661-8097  233 Broadway, Cambridge, MA 02139   

forsan et haec olim meminisse iuvabit.  Vergil

This will make a good story to tell the grandchildren, if we live that
long.  Conrad Translation.

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