On Thu, Apr 09, 2009 at 08:16:32AM -0600, Carl D. Sorensen wrote:
> On the other hand, if I'm doing programming work and commit changes then
> find that I have a typo in my commit, it's much cleaner to rebase so that
> there is only one patch.

Don't forget that if you want to correct a mistake in the most recent
commit you can do it by adding files to the commit the usual way and
then saying

    git commit --amend

This also gives you an opportunity to update the commit message - it
does this even if you haven't changed anything, which is an easy way to
correct commit message typos. It's much easier than doing a rebase for
the common case of changing the commit you have just done.

"Follow the enemy and try to prevent  the enemy carrying away the guns."
On 25th Oct 1854, Lord Raglan, on a hill, can see one set of guns;  Lord
Lucan, down in the valley,  sees a different, better defended,  set, and
leads the Light Brigade in its fateful charge. http://surreal.istic.org/

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