On Apr 8, 2009, at 9:27 PM, Wei-Wei Guo wrote:
Hi Kieren,
Thanks. I think maybe I know how to do now. I've been looking into
the link
several times, but never gotten any sense. My problem might be too
with Lilypond.
PS. Why doesn's Lilypond provide a easy-to-use mechanism for
inputing music
elements, like E major key signature or quaver. It will make
Lilypond not
only a powerful tool for engraving music script, but also a tool
for textbook.
Many of these things are very easy to input once you've learned the
LilyPond syntax (which looks awfully similar to TeX to my eyes). The
learning curve is steep but that means you get up to doing useful
things quickly.
For key signatures:
melody = \relative c' {
\override Staff.TimeSignature #'style = #'()
\time 4/4
\clef treble
\key e \major
e4 fis4 gis4 a4 b4 cis4 dis4 e1 }
Setting the key signature could not be much easier, once you know
how. As for "quaver," do you mean the British system (quaver, semi-
quaver, demisemiquaver, etc. and which Americans call 8th, 16th or
32nd notes) or do you mean a "trill?" In the case of the former, c8
would be a C quaver; a trill on the note C would be denoted in
several different ways of your choice. The use of \trill is one such
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