Dear Mats,
thanks for Your tip! But how can I use this \tweak-command in this special case?

2009/3/27 Mats Bengtsson <>:
> Jonathan Kulp wrote:
>> Stefan Thomas wrote:
>>> Dear communitiy,
>>> I would like to change the order of articulation symbols in the below
>>> quoted example.
>>> But I don't know how to do it.
>>> Here es a short snippet:
>>> \version "2.12.1"
>>> notes = { \repeat unfold 4 {    <b'' g''' >8->-- es''-. <gis'' d'''
>>>> -- fis''-. } }
>>> arti = {
>>> \repeat "unfold" 4 { s8 ->-- %the accent should be above the tenuto,
>>> not below, but how can I change it?
>>> s8-. s8-- s8-. } }
>> Just change the order in which you code the articulations:
>>  ---> instead of ->--
> For the record, note that this strategy won't work for all combinations of
> articulations, since some articulations have a different priority set by
> default. For example, you could try
> g-.-- g---.
> or
> g^-^\fermata g^\fermata^-
> where both versions give the same result. To change the order in such
> situations, you have to use a \tweak command to change the script-priority
> property of one of the articulations.
>  /Mats

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