On Thu, Mar 26, 2009 at 11:13 AM, Hajo Dezelski <dl1...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> now, that I have all relevant scores coded with lilypond I want to put
> together all my notes in an analytical, didatical orientated "book"
> with scores and a lot of referential incipts, themes, excerpts etc.
> And the only way I can do this in a timely manner seems to be with
> lilypond-book.
> Until now I gathered all my notes etc. in a personal-wiki, but this
> concept of a "Zettelkasten" (slip box?) is not working for a
> structured approach for learning material. I have to do that step by
> step.
> Until now I have not worked with Latex, Tex, Docbook...  So my question:
> Are there recommondations for an integrated editorial environment
> using lilypond-book on a windows machine which is easy to use ? I know
> I have to learn some coding  but I dont want to dig the next year into
> the internals of TEX to layout a text properly.
> I like the clear format of the lilypond-documentation. Would that be a
> starting point and when yes: How could this be done without using
> dreamweaver ;-)
> As always thanks in advance for your time and help
> Hajo
> ---
> ... indessen wandelt harmlos droben das Gestirn
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> lilypond-user@gnu.org
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Ha, I was half way through writing this when Carl answered, but I'll
still send it.

What final output do you want? If you want publication-quality PDF
output, LaTeX is your best bet (http://miktex.org/ for windows), and
there are several editors that could be helpful:

The LilyPond documentation is written in texinfo, which is processed
to produce both the PDF and HTML versions.

On the other hand, writing in plain HTML is a reasonable option if you
only want web output.


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