Dear Neil,
Yes, I don't now how to reduce the distance and first staff in this example.
It is an excerpt of a larger score, and the first staff isn't always
the same, it's a so called french score.
Here is the example:

\version "2.12.1"
#(set-global-staff-size 12)
\paper {
  ragged-bottom = #f
  ragged-last-bottom = ##f


         \context { \RemoveEmptyStaffContext }
         \context { \Score  \override VerticalAxisGroup #'remove-first = ##t }
         \context { \Score \consists  "Time_signature_engraver" }
       \context { \Score \override TimeSignature #'style = #'() }
       \context { \Score  \override TimeSignature #'break-align-symbol
= #'staff-bar }
        \context { \Score \override TimeSignature #'X-offset: =
#ly:self-alignment-interface::x-aligned-on-self }
       \context { \Score \override TimeSignature #'self-alignment-X = #CENTER }
       \context { \Score  \override TimeSignature #'break-visibility =
#end-of-line-invisible }
       \context { \Score \override TimeSignature #'extra-spacing-width
= #'(+inf.0 . -inf.0) }
       \context { \Score \override TimeSignature #'font-size = #3 }
        \context { \Score \override  TimeSignature #'extra-offset =
#'(0 . 1.5) }
        \context { \Staff \remove "Time_signature_engraver" }
\layout { \context { \Score \override VerticalAlignment #'max-stretch
= #ly:align-interface::calc-max-stretch
        \override RehearsalMark #'font-size = #2 %Studierzeichen Groesser

noten = \new Staff {
b''4  ~   (
   \times 4/5  {
      b''8 [ f''8 cis''8  e'8 c''!8 )] } %das sieht fürchterlich aus!

    \times 4/5  {
         b''16 [( f''16 cis''16   a'16 bes'16 )] }
    | % 127
    \times 4/5  {
        cis'16 ([ b'16    dis'''16
        fis''16 e''16 )] }
    \times 4/5  {
        c'16 [( bes'16    e'''16
        as''16 g''16 ]) }
    \times 4/5  {
         f'''16( [ bes''16 as''16  b!16 a'!16 ]) }
  \stemNeutral  f64 [ d'64 as'64 ]   b'64 [ e''64 bes''64 c'''64
    es''64 a'64 ]    fis'64 [ gis'64 e''64 a''64 ]
      b''64 [ f'''64 bes'''64 ] | % 129
    \ottava #1 <g''' g''''>2 ~ \fff ~ |
      g''''32 [ ges''''32 \> es''''32 d''''32 ] des''''32 [
      bes'''32 a'''32 as'''32 ] f'''32 [ e'''32 es'''32 c'''32 ] |  \break  }
      global = \new Staff  { \time 4/4 s1 \time 2/4 s2*3 \time 3/8 s4. }
      \score { << \global
      >> }

2009/3/24 Neil Puttock <>:
> 2009/3/23 Stefan Thomas <>:
>> Dear Neil,
>> thanks for Your help, Your code worked.
> It's really your code tidied up with the odd enhancement. ;)
>> I don't have any problems with the horizontal position of the
>> TimeSignatures, but I'm still not happy with the vertical position.
>> Sometimes (if I have a stretch in the layout), the TimeSignature is
>> too far away, sometimes it is too close to the staff. Isn't there a
>> possiblitie to have a "magnetic position" for  TimeSignature's
>> vertical position?
> Does this occur even when there are no items near the time signatures
> which would influence spacing, such as a legered note or dynamics?
> If it's still being stretched when there's no visible reason, then I'm
> not really sure what to suggest.
> Regards,
> Neil

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