On 3/22/09 10:20 AM, "Marc Hohl" <m...@hohlart.de> wrote:
> Carl, thanks for your answer.
You're welcome.
>> How about
>> #(define (x-tab-format str context event)
>> (make-whiteout-markup
>> (make-vcenter-markup
>> (markup #:musicglyph "noteheads.s2cross"))))
>> x = #(define-music-function (parser location note) (ly:music?)
>> #{
>> \once \override NoteHead #'style = #'cross
>> \set tablatureFormat = #x-tab-format
>> $note
>> \unset tablatureFormat
>> #})
>> music = {
>> c8 \x c c \x c c4 c4
>> }
>> <<
>> \new Staff {
>> \clef "treble_8"
>> \music
>> }
>> \new TabStaff {
>> \music
>> }
> This is a good solution; it's easy and fast to write, readable and
> leaves the parsing routine untouched.
A better definition of x would be
x = #(define-music-function (parser location notes) (ly:music?)
\override NoteHead #'style = #'cross
\set tablatureFormat = #x-tab-format
\unset tablatureFormat
\revert NoteHead #'style
This version allows you to call
\x {c4 c c c}
if you want to have lots of notes muted.
> Yes, I knew that already. I mentioned it because I hope that there will
> be an additional file
> (tablature.ly) shipped with future versions of lilypond with some
> predefined commands
> like these two. (By the way, tuplets and tuplet numbers should be
> handled properly, too).
I assume that this will happen when tablature is updated. As far as I know,
nobody is yet planning to do the work on tablature. They are only planning
to put in the requests.
I'd be happy to have a Frog (even a new Frog, like you, Marc, if you're
interested or willing) take responsibility for tablature. I'd give any
advice that I could, and you'd have access to help from the lilypond-devel
list for those things that are beyond me.
>>> But in cases where I have only tablature, there is a
>>> problem with durations >=2.
>> There's been some discussion about this. Dana Emery has some
>> suggestions, and there are others who have other proposals.
> That sounds interesting - where can I find these suggestions?
Search lilypond-user archives and lilypond-devel archives for posts from
danalute, and then follow the threads.
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