Peter Chubb-6 wrote:
>>>>>> "Peter" == Peter Chubb <> writes:
> Peter> I embed Lily in a shell script for that kind of thing (I'm
> Peter> running on Unix):
Thanks Peter, but it seems I didn't explain myself:
what I need is sometihng like this (the syntax is invented: I don't know
scheme] directly IN lily files:
LilyVers = [Get lilypond version: "2.10" or "2.12"]
IF LilyVers = "2.10" THEN Notes = {c d e} ELSE Notes = {c^\newMarkupCommand
d\newCommand e\newStuff }
\score { \Notes }
It's very simple, I'm sure is much more simple than at first glance.
Thanks all
Piero Faustini, PhD student
Dipartimento di Scienze Storiche
Sezione musicologia
Università di Ferrara
Software used:
- LyX 1.6.1 on WinXP; EndNote & JabRef
- MikTex
- LaTeX class: Koma book
- Lilypond and MusixTeX for example excerpts
- BibLaTeX for bibliographies
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