On 3/21/09 1:34 AM, "Mark Polesky" <markpole...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> \version "2.12.2"
> %{
> How can I change the following code so that
> it returns "2 0.25 0.3333"? That is: return
> integers without decimal point, otherwise
> round to as many decimal places as needed,
> but not more than 4.
> %}
> #(let ((a 2.0)
> (b 1/4)
> (c 1/3))
> (format #t "~a ~a ~a\n" a b c))
> %{
> After some experimenting, I found the
> following solution, but I'd rather not have
> to deal with all the incessant quasiquote
> and unquote stuff. Is there a more elegant
> solution?
> #(let ((a 2.0)
> (b 1/4)
> (c 1/3))
> (my-format #t "~a ~a ~a\n" `(,a ,b ,c)))
#(let ((a 2.0)
(b 1/4)
(c 1/3))
(my-format #t "~a ~a ~a\n" (list a b c)))
will work.
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