Dear Neil,
thanks for Your help, but what can I do, if the first Staff below the
time-signature isn't always the same?

2009/3/10 Neil Puttock <>:
> 2009/3/6 Stefan Thomas <>:
>> Dear all,
>> I forgot to switch on
>> \override Score.VerticalAlignment #'max-stretch =
>> #ly:align-interface::calc-max-stretch
>> If I do so, the distance between topmost-Staff and TimeSig is too
>> large, in my opinion.
> I've already explained what you should do: set
> 'keep-fixed-while-stretching in the stave below TimeSig.  In your
> amended example, you still have it set for TimeSig.
> As for the duplicated time signature, be careful when using
> \removeEmptyStaffContext.  It overrides any previous \Staff \layout
> overrides, such as your removal of the Time_signature_engraver.  See
> the warning here:
> Regards,
> Neil

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