Yes indeed, but it should be wrapped so you could write c2\leftHand and it 
would automatically collect notes from polyphonic voices and put the bracked 
around them and place it at proper distance to the note... Who takes the 
challenge? :-)


-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Datum: Tue, 10 Mar 2009 11:10:55 +0100
Von: "Bertalan Fodor (LilyPondTool)" <>
An: till Rettig <>
Betreff: Re: missing feature? piano hand brackets

First can be easily achieved with a postscript markup. (Two straight lines)

till Rettig wrote:
> Hi,
> from the German LilyPond-Forum (at 
> In Piano music it is some times important to indicat that a note written in 
> one staff should be played by the hand of the other staff. This is mostly 
> done by a l-shaped bracket pointing towards the staff where the note should 
> belong to.
> See the attached pictures (first is hand drawn, second from Scriabin Sonate 
> 10.
> Greetings
> Till

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