I'm working on transcribing Sousa's "Fairest of the Fair" for Mutopia. I just got to the Oboe part, and hit a roadblock. The Oboe part is actually Oboe 1 and Oboe2 printed on the same staff, with only one set of notes printing when they're playing together. Here's the first of the sections where this takes place. -----oboe.ly starts----- \version "2.11.63"
oboeOne = \relative c'' { \clef treble \key ees \major \repeat percent 2 { g'4 aes } | g4. f8 | ees8 r ees,4->(\mf | \repeat volta 2 { d8 f d4~ | d8 d16( ees f8) ees16( f | g8) bes g4~ | g8 g16( aes bes8) a16( bes | c8) bes c4~ | c8 bes16( c d8) c16( d | ees8) ees16( f g8) g16( f | ees8) bes g ees | d8 f d4~ | d8 d16( ees f8) ees16( f | g8) bes g4~ | g8 g16( aes bes8) a16( bes) | \repeat percent 2 {\acciaccatura d8 c8 b c4 | } \acciaccatura d8 c8 b c c | d8 r aes'4( | g4)_\markup {\italic "giocoso"} aes( | g4 aes | g4. f8 | ees2 | \repeat percent 2 {g4 aes | } g4.) f8 | } \alternative { { ees8 r ees,4 } { ees'8 r ees,4 } } } oboeTwo = \relative c'' { \clef treble \key ees \major \repeat percent 2 {bes4 c} | bes4. aes8 | g8 r ees4->\mf \repeat volta 2 { d8 f d4~ | d8 d16( ees f8) ees16( f | g8) bes g4~ | g8 g16( aes bes8) a16( bes | c8) bes c4~ | c8 bes16( c d8) c16( d | ees8) ees16( f g8) g16( f | ees8) bes g ees | d8 f d4~ | d8 d16( ees f8) ees16( f | g8) bes g4~ | g8 g16( aes bes8) a16( bes) | \repeat percent 2 {\acciaccatura d8 c8 b c4 | } \acciaccatura d8 c8 b c c | d8 r bes4~ | bes4 c( | bes4 c bes4. aes8 | g2 | \repeat percent 2 {bes4 c | } bes4.) aes8 | } \alternative { { g8 r ees4 } { g8 r ees4\p } } } \score { \new Staff { << \clef treble \time 2/4 \partcombine \oboeOne \oboeTwo >> } } -----oboe.ly ends----- Partcombine here gives me two sets of stems for each note. I'd like it to look like the original, which you can see at http://lcweb2.loc.gov/diglib/ihas/loc.natlib.sousa.200028144/enlarge.html?page=3§ion=ALLPARTS&size=640. Is there a relatively painless way to do this? Or should I just grit my teeth and take the extra stems? Thanks. _______________________________________________ lilypond-user mailing list lilypond-user@gnu.org http://lists.gnu.org/mailman/listinfo/lilypond-user