>>>>> "David" == David Stocker <dstoc...@thenotesetter.com> writes:

David> If your LilyPond installation resides in /usr/local/ then that
David> should be correct.

David> Ralph Palmer wrote:
>> Getting close, I think - " So, the first line should actually read:
>> (setq load-path (append (list
>> ("/usr/local/lilypond/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp")) load-path))
>> if "/usr/local/lilypond/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp" is the
>> (apparently appropriate) result of a $locate on /emacs/site-lisp?

Might be better to do:
(setq load-path (append '("/usr/local/lilypond/usr/share/emacs/site-lisp/") 
                        ^ note the quote here

Dr Peter Chubb  http://www.gelato.unsw.edu.au  peterc AT gelato.unsw.edu.au
http://www.ertos.nicta.com.au           ERTOS within National ICT Australia
A university is a non-profit organisation only in the sense that it
spends everything it gets  ... Luca Turin.

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