Hello all,

I've created an ossia staff in a score of mine, following the pattern of
the following snippet:

It works very nicely but is not quite perfect -- there are a couple of
extra additions I'd like to make.

First, is it possible to get the staff/instrument name to display just
before the ossia staff?  By default nothing is displayed, no matter
whether I use
        \set Staff.instrumentName
        \set Staff.shortInstrumentName

Since in the printed scores I have in front of me the phrase 'ossia'
occurs to the left of the ossia staff, vertically centred on its midline
(i.e. just like an instrument name:-) it would be handy to be able to
use this property.

Second, how could I go about getting dotted barlines connecting the
ossia staff to the one below or above it?

Thanks & best wishes,

    -- Joe

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