Hello, Kris.

I think this answers to my question. Thank you.
I will not try to implement it.


Mailing Lists wrote:
> Essentially, it sounds like you want 3 staves of vocal music and one
> piano staff (two staves), but you want to hide the vocal staves when
> they are resting and ditto for the piano, right?  Create a score with 5
> staves, keeping the vocal and piano parts separate (rather than using
> the two piano staves for part of your choir), including rests (or skips)
> as appropriate.  Your piano parts will have ~20 bars of music followed
> by rests/skips/nothing;  your vocal parts will have ~20 bars of rest
> followed by their music.  You can then put them in their respective
> PianoStaff or ChoirStaff blocks so they get the proper brackets.  Then
> include the following in your \layout block to hide the resting
> voices/piano:
>     \context {
>         \RemoveEmptyStaffContext
>         \override VerticalAxisGroup #'remove-first = ##t        
>         }
> the first line in this context hides staves other than in the first
> system.  The second line also hides the first system, but, of course, is
> optional.
> Lastly, you will probably want to insert \break at the point between the
> piano and choir parts to have a clean switch.  Since your example has
> this break mid-measure due to the pickup, use:
>     \bar "||" \break
> to allow the line break mid-measure.
> See also 'Hiding Staves' (p. 133 in 2.12 manual).
> Kris Shaffer
> graduate student, Yale University
> music director, Trinity Baptist Church, New Haven, Conn.
> www.shaffermusic.com
> On Mar 1, 2009, at 1:24 PM, Alberto Simões wrote:
>> James E. Bailey wrote:
>>>> Basically, there is a portion of the music for piano (two staves), and
>>>> it continues with a SATB (with three staves). Thus, I need to "add a
>>>> staff" somewhere.
>>> You probabbly need to re-organise the way the music is defined in
>>> lilypond. It depends on how you have it defined. If your part is
>>> upperStaffNotes = \new Staff = "upperStaffOne" \relative c'' { <c g'> <d
>>> f> <c e> <a f'> }
>>> or
>>> upperStaffNotes = \new Staff = "upperStaffOne" \relative c'' { <<
>>> {\voiceOne g' f e f} \new Voice = upperStaffNotesTwo {\voiceTwo c d c
>>> a}>>\oneVoice
>>> Then you'll need to redefine that to be
>>> upperStaffNotesOne = \new Staff = "upperStaffOne" \relative g'' { g f
>>> e f }
>>> upperStaffNotesTwo = \new Staff = "upperStaffTwo" \relative c'' { c c
>>> c a }
>>> So you can put them on separate staves.
>> Not exactly that my problem. Consider I have just one music, it starts
>> with a piano music (about 20 bars). After that, the piano shuts up,
>> forever, and starts the voices.
>> Basically, I do not want to convert a music I have to piano to SATB.
>> I just want to change staffs organization.
>> (http://eremita.di.uminho.pt/~ambs/_.pdf).
>> Thanks
>> Alberto
>> -- 
>> Alberto Simões - Departamento de Informática - Universidade do Minho
>>                  Campus de Gualtar - 4710-057 Braga - Portugal
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Alberto Simões - Departamento de Informática - Universidade do Minho
                 Campus de Gualtar - 4710-057 Braga - Portugal

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