Forgot to mention, the Emacs I installed from the repos was the GTK flavor of Emacs 22. Not sure whether it makes a difference.

As far as Emacs vs. gEdit or something else, Emacs is a little more 'programmerish', with keystrokes that take some getting used to (c-x c-s instead of ctr-s for save, etc.), but it's nicer on the eyes than gEdit and the liypond-mode syntax highlighting and auto indentation is nice to have.


David Stocker wrote:
Hi Ralph,

The lilypond-mode worked 'out of the box' for me when after opening a .ly file with emacs or saving whatever file I was working on with a .ly extension. At least this was true on Ubuntu 8.04 and Emacs 22 from the Ubuntu repositories. Did you install Emacs from the repositories? If you do, I think it sets all the correct paths by default.

Ralph Palmer wrote:
Hi -

I'm an intermediate lilyponder and a novice penguinista. I have Ubuntu 8.10 (Intrepid Ibex) mounted on an older laptop. I successfully removed the LilyPond version that came with the Ubuntu package, and installed 2.12 (although I thought the documentation would come with the installation package, and it doesn't seem to be anywhere on the machine). Prior to this, I'd been working on an XP machine and using ConText to edit my .ly files; I liked it, but it's not available for Linux (yet). I've had some experience with Emacs, and I'd like to use it for LilyPond. I know there's a lilypond-mode for Emacs, but I can't figure out how to locate, configure, download, or use it. Is there a more experienced user out there who might be able to walk me through it, or at least steer me in the right direction? Or should I cop out and use gEdit?

Thanks in advance for any help,


Ralph Palmer
Montague City, MA
USA <>

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