2009/2/20 Fr. Michael Gilmary <frmichaelgilm...@maronitemonks.org>:
Is there any development in Lilypond for typesetting the music and lyrics from
right to left? We would use it for setting some Syriac hymns.

Valentin Villenave wrote:
Surprisingly enough, it is not (yet) supported. You can, however,
print text from right to left in a markup object, as demonstrated at

If you can provide us with some short examples of such scores, I'll
add this as a feature request.

Hi Valentin:

I use XeLaTeX (TL2008) with Lilypond (2.11.62) to set Syriac *transliteration* on Mac OS 10.4.11. For the Syriac non-music the fontspec package with XeLaTeX nicely scripts the Syriac.

I have the attached the .ly file for the Our Father in Syriac with the English transliteration. If you'd like to work with the Syriac glyphs, I've got them in a separate (.ly) file. The Syriac font(s) can be obtained free from www.bethMardutho.org (or .com?) and are called "melthofonts". You can ignore the website warning that they won't work with Mac OS X, since they work fine. The problem is that there is no native Mac keyboard for Syriac and no (Mac) program scripts it correctly ... except Mellel --- a trial version is free. If you're on a Mac, I can send you the Mac keyboard I've used which is based on two different ones: one developed by Steve Caruso ( www.aramaicnt.org --- I think) and another fellow whose name I forgot.

If you're using Windows, their Syriac keyboard works fine and everything scripts well. But I work on a Mac.

I don't have the Syriac text hyphenated for the music, but it /is/ broken into the lines.

Thanks in advance!

United in adoration of Jesus,

fr. michael gilmary, mma

Most Holy Trinity Monastery
67 Dugway Road
Petersham, MA 01366-97255

\addlyrics { 
  \override LyricText #'font-name = #"Serto Jerusalem"

ܐܰܒܽܘܢ ܕܒܰܫ̈ـܡܳܝܳܐ ܢܶܬܩܰـ݂ܕܰܫ ܫܡܳܟ. 
ܬ݂ܺܐܬܶܐ ܡܰܠܟܽܘܬܳܟ. ܢܶܗܘ݂ܶܐ ܨܶܒܝܳـܢܳـܟ.
ܐܰܝܟܰܢܳܐ ܕܒܰܫ̈ـܡܰܝܳܐ ܐܳܦ ܒܰܐܪܥܳܐ.
ܗܰܒܠ݂ܰܢ ܠܰܚـܡܳܐ ܕܣܽܘܢܩܳܢܰܢ ܝܰܘܡܳܢܳܐ.
ܘܰܫـ݂ܒܽـܘܩ ܠܰܢ ܚܰـܘ̈ܒܰܝܢ ܘܰܚ̈ـܛܳܗܰܝܢ
ܐܰܝܟܰܢܳܐ ܕܳܐܦ ܚـܢܰܢ ܫـܒܰـ݂ܩܢ ܠܚܰـܝ̈ܳܒܰܝܢ.
ܘܠܳܐ ܬܰܥـܠ݂ܰܢ ܠـܢܶܣـܝܽـܘܢܳـܐ.
ܐܶܠܐܳ ܦܰـ݂ـܨܳܢ ܡـܶܢ ܒܺـܝـܫـܳܐ.
ܡܶܛـܽܠ ܕܕܺܝܠܳܟ ܗ̱ܺܝ݂ ܡܰܠܟܽܘܬܳܐ ܘܚܰـܝܠܳܐ
ܘܬܶܫـܒܽـܘܚܬܳܐ. ܠܥܳܠܰܡ ܥܳܠـܡܺܝ̈ܢ ܐܰܡـܺܝܢ.

\version "2.11.62" 

\header {
title    = \markup {
%\fontsize #2.5 
  "Aboon dbashmayo" }
poet = \markup {
     "Music: Fr. M. Labaky" }
composer = \markup {
     "Cedars of Lebanon Hymnal, 2nd Edition" }
arranger = \markup {
     "© Copyright 1982" }


  \layout {
    \context {
     \remove "Bar_number_engraver" 
\score {
     \relative c' {
\set autoBeaming = ##f
\key f \major
\time 2/4

\partial 8 | f8  a a bes[ bes] a4. f8 a4 bes c2 \break 
bes8[ bes] bes[ a] g2 c8[ c] bes[ bes] a2 \break
f8[ f f] a a4 g e f8[( g)] f2 \break
a8[ a] a[ a] bes[ bes] a[( f)] a4 bes c2 \break
bes8[ bes] bes a g2 c4 bes a2 \break
f8[ f f] a g2 e8 e[ f g] f2 \break
f8 f[ f] a a[ g] g4 e8[ e] e[ g] \break
g f f4 a8[ g] f[ a] c2 d8[( c)] bes[( a)] \break
g2 a8[( g a bes)] c2 c8[( a)] bes[( g)] \break
f2 a4 g8 f d4( f) e( g) f4. \bar "|."


\addlyrics { 
 \set fontSize = #1.2

A -- boon d -- bashma -- yo net -- qa -- dash shmok.
Tee-te mal-koo -- tok, nehwe sebyo -- nok
ay-ka-no dbash -- ma -- yo of bar -- ‘o.
Hab-lan laẖ-mo dsoonqo -- nan yaw -- mo -- no.
Washbooq lan ẖow -- bayn waẖ -- to -- hayn
ay-ka-no dof ẖnan shbaqn el-ẖa-yo -- bayn. 
Wlo ta‘lan el -- nes-yoo -- no. E-lo fa-son
men bee -- sho. Me-tool dee-lokh ee mal -- koo -- 
to, wẖay -- lo wtesh -- booẖ -- 
to l‘o -- lam ‘ol -- meen. __ A -- meen.


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