I used LilyPond for a brief period several years ago on Mac 10.4
(Tiger) and it was working fine. I stopped using it for awhile, but
I've become interested in it again. In the meantime, though, I've
upgraded to Leopard. I tried downloading LilyPond directly from http://ivo.bouwmans.name/lilypondleopard/
, but I couldn't get that to work (there was no usable menu) and I
concluded LilyPond wouldn't work under Leopard.
But I've spent several days reading everything I could about getting
LilyPond to run on Leopard and finally downloaded it (compiled?) via
Fink and Fink Commander (Fink Commander compiled version 2.10.33, not
2.12). I found I could create a test file in TextEdit, and get the
output compiled through the Terminal and I've been successful using
files from mutopia. I've also been experimenting using jEdit, but I
have not been able to output files from jEdit with the LilyPond
Tool. Just so you know, this is my first foray into compiling open
source software and I'm not that familiar with the terminal.
Here's my question: I can get the .ly to output as .pdf. and .ps files
successfully, but I also get the error message below. Is this normal
and should I be concerned about it? Additionally, the output files
always get saved to my ~ folder, no matter where the .ly file was.
GNU LilyPond 2.10.33
Fontconfig error: Cannot load config file "/usr/X11/lib/X11/fonts/
Fontconfig error: Cannot load default config file
Processing `/Users/christopherberg/Documents/LilyPond files/
Interpreting music...
Interpreting music... [8][16][24][32][33]
Preprocessing graphical objects...
MIDI output to `bach_siciliano_bmv_1031.midi'...
Layout output to `bach_siciliano_bmv_1031.ps'...
Converting to `bach_siciliano_bmv_1031.pdf'...
I hope this is enough information… I really don't know enough to know
exactly what to ask. I guess I can live with running around looking in
different folders but it would be nice to have some control over where
the output files end up.
Thank you so much for any advice you can offer!
Christopher Berg
lilypond-user mailing list