RandomLilyPondUser wrote:
I figured out the problem, and that code does work, it just didn't work under
my score, paper, layout, or drumstaff section. I simply had to put it under
the function being called in the drumstaff section.
I only have two problems left:
1) since there is only one line on the staff, the bars between the measures
don't show, how do I get them back?
2) the measures aren't evenly spaced out, how do I make them all the same
I've tried these lines of code:
\override Score.SpacingSpanner #'strict-note-spacing =
\set Score.proportionalNotationDuration =
#(ly:make-moment 1 16)
but not all measures are evenly sized, some are fatter,
especially those
with many septuplets/32nd notes.
Besides saying "read the manual", which I've already waded through many
times, could anyone provide some constructive help? Either give me a "look
at this page" or simply posting the code snippet would save much
Here's how I'd do the OP example, incorporating your flam macro from
another thread:
\version "2.12.2"
qBeam = {
#(override-auto-beam-setting '(end 1 8 * *) 1 4 'Staff)
#(override-auto-beam-setting '(end 1 8 * *) 2 4 'Staff)
snflam = \drummode {
\override Stem #'length = #4.5
\acciaccatura {sn8}
\revert Stem #'length
tomflam = \drummode {
\override Stem #'length = #4.5
\acciaccatura {toml8}
\revert Stem #'length
global = {
\time 3/4
\set beatLength = #(ly:make-moment 1 16)
\set subdivideBeams = ##t
test = \drummode {
\tomflam sn8-> sn8:32 ~ \stemDown \times 2/3 {toml16 sn toml} \tomflam
sn16. toml32 \times 2/3 {sn16 toml sn} \snflam toml8
\tomflam sn8-> sn8:32 ~ \stemDown \times 2/3 {toml16 sn toml} \tomflam
sn16. toml32 \times 2/3 {sn16 toml sn} \snflam toml8
\score {
\new DrumStaff { \global \test }
\layout {
\context {
\override StaffSymbol #'line-count = #1
\override BarLine #'bar-size = #4 % you need this to see the
barlines on a single-line drum staff
} % close layout
} % close score
For a drum part with two lines of notes, I'd do it this way; the
\voiceOne and \voiceTwo automatically take care of stem directions.
\version "2.12.2"
up = \drummode { notes go here }
down = \drummode { notes go here }
\score {
\new DrumStaff
\new DrumVoice { \voiceOne \up }
\new DrumVoice { \voiceTwo \down }
\layout { include the stuff from the above example, if necessary }
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