Welcome to Lilypond, Jeff. :)

What you're trying to do I would approach with more than one set of lyrics, coded as verseOne, verseTwo, etc., and with the voices separated into variables that can be assembled in a separate \score block. I've taken your code and made an example of how I would approach it, and it looks very similar to the top example on your website. The only thing that doesn't look quite right is the lyric extender line, so you might check into this in the Notation Reference and/or Learning Manual.

code attached.



aliteralmind wrote:
How do you create lyrics for some brief alternative notes existing in
repeated sections (when there are not enough notes to justify duplicating
the section)? Here is a demonstration picture of what I am trying to do:


The red is what I can't figure, either with or without a second-verse of
lyrics. I cannot seem to add anything else without causing a problem. The
below lilypond code is a demonstration of my problem.

Thank you for any advice. I am new to LilyPond, but I'm a programmer and
have an excellent first impression of it--and I was going to spend 90 bucks,
when this is free??!!

\version "2.12.2"

\relative c'' {
   \time 4/4
        \repeat volta 2 {  c4 b a g  }
        \repeat volta 2 {  f4 e d c  }
        \repeat volta 2 {  c'4 b a <<
                \override Stem #'direction = #UP
                   {  g4  }
           \override NoteColumn #'force-hshift = #1.7
                \override Stem #'direction = #DOWN
                \override Stem #'length = #4
                   {  g16 a g8  }
        \repeat volta 2 {  c,4 e <<
                \override Stem #'direction = #UP
                   {  g4 c4  }
           \override NoteColumn #'force-hshift = #1.7
                \override Stem #'direction = #DOWN
                \override Stem #'length = #4
                   {  g8 g8 c4  }
\addlyrics { do ti la so fa mi ray do do ti la }

Jonathan Kulp
\version "2.12.2"

upper = \relative c'' {
  \time 4/4
  \repeat volta 2 {  c4 b a g  }
  \repeat volta 2 {  f4 e d c  }
  \repeat volta 2 {  c'4 b a \voiceOne g4  }
  \repeat volta 2 {  c,4 e g4 c4 }

lower = \relative c'' {
  s2 s4 \teeny
  \override NoteColumn #'force-hshift = #1.7
  \voiceTwo \override Stem #'length = #4 { g16 a g8 }
  s2 g8 g c4 

verseOne = \lyricmode { 
  do ti la so fa mi ray do do ti la so __ do mi so __ do

verseTwo = \lyricmode {
  so la so so so do 

\score {
  \context Staff = "voice" <<
    \set Staff.instrumentName = "Voice"
    \context Voice = "upper" { \upper }
    \context Voice = "lower" { \lower }
    \new Lyrics \lyricsto "upper" { \verseOne }
    \new Lyrics \lyricsto "lower" { \verseTwo }
  \layout { }
  \midi { }
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