-------- Original-Nachricht --------
> Datum: Tue, 10 Feb 2009 14:21:17 -0500
> Von: David Raleigh Arnold <d...@openguitar.com>
> An: lilypond-user@gnu.org
> Betreff: Re: new chord symbol (for me, at least)

> Quick recognition is the whole purpose of chord names of this type.


> C/e is much better than C/E, for obvious reasons, and Xx or Xbb or
> bs or cb chords and if necessary any slash basses with them must be 
> respelled, because they will not and should not be found in chord 
> books.

C/e makes sense to me to distinguish more between chords and single notes but I 
don't think it's that important since slash chords are usually printed on 
different levels so that a quick recognition is guaranteed as well.
I don't agree on the double sharp and flats and B# and Cb chords though.
Doublesharp or flat chords are most likely not to happen anyway but Cb is quite 
common and I absolutely hate it when people replace it with B because it 
doesn't make sense. If a piece is in Ebm Cb is the chord symbol to put not B, 
that's off-key thinking.
So yeah, I think it's essential to write chord symbols according to the key, 
even if it means to write double accidentals.

> The difference between jazz chords and sheet music chords is 
> only in the accretion of cryptic symbols, of which the triangle is the 
> worst.

But the triangle is the quickest way to display a major-seventh, is it not?
If you're for quick recognition than I don't understand why you disapprove of 
the triangle.



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