Your example works fine for me in 2.12.2. I get a full length dashed line.


Are you sure it's not just an artefact of your PDF viewer.




[] On Behalf
Of Don Benson
Sent: Saturday, 7 February 2009 13:40
Subject: TextSpanner line styles broken in 2.12.2?


I'm trying to generate a dashed-line text spanner, but lilypond is
generating a truncated solid line instead.

Sample of my initial attempt:
\relative c''
\override TextSpanner #'style = #'dashed-line
\override TextSpanner #'(bound-details left text) = \markup { \italic "rit."
f16-. \startTextSpan e-. f-. g,-. a-. b-. c!-. d-.
e4-> r16 g,-. a-. b-. \stopTextSpan

This produces a solid line that covers about half of the span. The style
dotted-line does the same thing. 

If I change the style to line, trill, or zigzag, the line goes the entire
length of the bar, as expected. I can get the dashed/dotted line to extend
by overriding dash-period to 8.0 or higher, but it is still a solid line.

Am I doing something wrong, or is something broken in 2.12.2?

If environment matters, I'm running on Windows Vista SP1.

- Don Benson -

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