I'm posting this bug here because the bug posting to gmane.comp.gnu.lilypond.bugs is broken (it says that I'm top-posting with the message below and will not post it).

If you render the following snippet to PDF, the 16th lines connecting the fis16
to the e16 are not rendered, making the fis16 look like a f4.
I've tested this in lilypond 2.10 and the latest 2.12.2-1, on Windows XP.
I have my rendering attached.

\paper {
  ragged-right = ##t

\layout {

\new Score <<
        \new Staff
        <<        \set Staff.instrumentName="Strange things"
                {       \voiceOne
                        \relative c'' {as2~ as2}
                {       \voiceTwo
                        \relative c' {fis16 e16 d16 e16~ e4~ e2}


Attachment: test.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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