Carl Peterson wrote:
I'm using shape notes in some music I'm writing. There is one part of
the music that needs to be notated as spoken. However, when I apply
the override code as given in the documentation, I only get shape
notes. Is there some command that I have to put in to turn shape notes
Here's my code:
\relative c' {
\clef treble \key a \major \time 6/8 \autoBeamOff \aikenHeads
a4 b8 cis4 a8 gis8 gis a b4. \bar "" \break
b4 cis8 d4 b8 a a b cis4. \bar "" \break
cis4 d8 e4 cis8 d d e fis8 \bar "" \break
\override NoteHead #'style = #'cross a8 a a4. a4. a4. r4. \revert
NoteHead #'style \bar ".|."
As \aikenHeads is a shortcut for a lengthy \set shapeNoteStyles command,
you can use \set shapeNoteStyles = #'#(default) to get things back to
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