On 1/25/09 6:08 AM, "Tao Cumplido" <tao_lilypondu...@gmx.net> wrote:
> Now I've got a question which is slightly off-topic.
> This thread got me inspired to give scheme another try (everytime I tried to
> do
> something with scheme before it'd never work).
> I am trying to create a music function that makes it possible to transpose
> chord
> symbols by my means. My initial idea was a function that takes two arguments,
> ly:music and string, i.e. the transposable root and the fixed suffix, which
> returns then a converted string of both arguments.
> For example:
> \c c1 #"m7" -> "Cm7"
> \transpose c d { \c c1 #"m7" } -> "Dm7"
> I am trying to go there step by step, but now I got already an error and don't
> know why.
> #(define (root-name music)
> (let ((p (ly:music-property music 'pitch)))
> (if (ly:pitch? p)
> (let ((n (ly:pitch-notename p)))
First error is a syntax error -- no parenthesis before the if. Always in
Scheme you must have a parenthesis before a function
> if (number? n)
> (number->string n)))))
> c = #(define-music-function (parser location pitch) (ly:music?)
> (let ((rn (root-name pitch)))
> #{ \mark \markup { $rn } #}))
> \new Staff { c'1 \c c'1 c'1 }
Second error is a mistake in defining a variable c. c is a notename, so it
can't be a variable name.
After I fixed the (if error above, I ran lilypond on the file and got the
sorensen2:lilypond-working Carl$ lilypond test-tao.ly
GNU LilyPond 2.12.2
Processing `test-tao.ly'
test-tao.ly:8:0: error: syntax error, unexpected NOTENAME_PITCH
c = #(define-music-function (parser location pitch) (ly:music?)
test-tao.ly:12:17: error: unknown escaped string: `\c'
\new Staff { c'1
\c c'1 c'1 }
test-tao.ly:12:17: error: syntax error, unexpected STRING
\new Staff { c'1
\c c'1 c'1 }
test-tao.ly:12:0: error: errors found, ignoring music expression
\new Staff { c'1 \c c'1 c'1 }
test-tao.ly:0: warning: : no \version statement found, please add
\version "2.12.2"
for future compatibility
error: failed files: "test-tao.ly"
Note that the first error says I've got an unexpected NOTENAME_PITCH, which
is shown on the next line to be c.
The next error message says that \c is an unknown escaped string (or what we
would call a variable). So \c is never executed.
The third error message says that we can't use a string after a note, i.e.
{c "4"} isn't valid LilyPond input.
So the natural thing to do is to change the name of the function. I changed
the name to cc, and then the program still didn't work. Being not sure why,
I put a lot of display statements in to see what was going on:
#(define (root-name music)
(let ((p (ly:music-property music 'pitch)))
(if (ly:pitch? p)
(let ((n (ly:pitch-notename p)))
(display "\n in root-name \n")
(display "music ")(display-scheme-music music)(newline)
(display "pitch ")(display-scheme-music pitch)(newline)
(display "n ")(display n)(newline)
(if (number? n)
(number->string n))))))
cc = #(define-music-function (parser location pitch) (ly:music?)
(let ((rn (root-name pitch)))
(display "\n in cc \n")
(display "pitch ")(display-scheme-music pitch)(newline)
(display "rn ")(display rn)(newline)
#{ \mark \markup { $rn } #}))
The output I get then is:
sorensen2:lilypond-working Carl$ lilypond test-tao.ly
GNU LilyPond 2.12.2
Processing `test-tao.ly'
in cc
pitch (make-music
(list (make-music
(ly:make-duration 0 0 1 1)
(ly:make-pitch 0 0 0))))
rn #<unspecified>
<string>:1:49: error: syntax error, unexpected SCM_IDENTIFIER
parseStringResult = \notemode { \mark \markup {
\lilyvartmpb }
}test-tao.ly:19:0: error: errors found, ignoring music expression
\new Staff { c'1 \cc c'1 c'1 }
test-tao.ly:0: warning: : no \version statement found, please add
\version "2.12.2"
for future compatibility
Two things are of interest:
1) None of the display statements from root-name was executed.
2) pitch is not a NoteEvent, but an EventChord, which is something we
weren't expecting.
So this means that p in root-name isn't a ly:pitch. In fact, it's probably
null, because EventChord doesn't have a pitch. It has elements, the first
of which has a pitch.
This means that root-name returns nothing, so rn is #<unspecified>.
So you need to do a little bit of checking on your music before you try to
get the pitch.
Hope this helps,
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