On 1/21/09 3:27 PM, "Eric Flesher" <e...@ericflesher.com> wrote:
> I'm having serious problems figuring out a workable solution to the problem
> below:
> Per Kurt Stone, breath tones (on woodwinds or brass) with no pitch content
> should preferably be written on a separate tablature line above the staff,
> using circular noteheads. Aside from their shape, these noteheads are unusual
> in that the stem extends through the notehead (see example below, engraved
> with Sibelius).
I haven't been able to make this work, either.
I'm trying by using a rhythmic staff, and changing the voice to the rhythmic
staff for the breath notes. This works, but I can't get the rhythmic staff
to start and stop, either.
> On top of these issues is the need to create a new, circular notehead, which
> preferably would default to the placement relative to the stem shown above,
> i.e. centered on the stem, with the stem protruding through the notehead.
> Since I have other fonts with a pre-existing circular notehead, it would be
> easiest if this could just be imported in and used as a notehead, although I
> suspect (after perusing the manual, forum, etc.) that this might not be
> possible.
The circular note head is not too hard. Here's my code for a solid circular
note head:
#(define circle-note-head
(let* ((head-half-width 1.2)
(radius 0.4)
(thickness 0.1)
(fill #t)
(out-radius (+ radius (/ thickness 2))))
(list 'circle radius thickness fill)
(cons (- head-half-width) head-half-width)
(cons (- out-radius) out-radius))))
This makes sold circular note heads. fill could be set to false if the
duration of the note were 2 or longer, which would give hollow circular
The circular note head is enabled by
\once \override NoteHead #'stencil = #circle-note-head
\once \override NoteHead #'stem-attachment = #'(0 . 0)
I'm currently working on a music function which could do all of the tweaking
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