This process is described in much more detail with lots of examples in the
Learning Manual. Reading through chapters 3 and 4 will help a lot - the
purpose of those two chapters is to teach you how to change LilyPond
----- Original Message -----
From: "Carl D. Sorensen" <>
To: "Ezequiel Sierra" <>; <>
Sent: Thursday, January 22, 2009 11:24 PM
Subject: Re: Change Chordname Font Size
On 1/22/09 2:34 PM, "Ezequiel Sierra" <> wrote:
How can i change the font size of ChordNames?
You will need to change the font size of some object. Changing the font
size is described in the Notation Reference, section 1.8.3.
You can find the object whose font size needs to be changed by following the
procedure in Notation Reference 5.2.
You can find the instructions about how to change any property in general in
Notation Reference 5.3.
As a hint to get you started, look in the Internals Reference under the
ChordNames context (section 2.1.2) and look for the layout objects this
context creates. Once you find the right object, click on the link , and
you'll see the font-size property that needs to be adjusted.
I'm giving you instructions in this way, rather than just giving you code,
because it will help you learn how to answer this kind of question yourself.
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